Leith titles back on sale
J. Nelson Leith titles are now back on sale, exclusively at Amazon, including the paranormal detective novel On the Head of a Pin, the first installment of the Angels Trilogy.
When “Sufi chick” spa owner Núr Lucas hires him to locate the angel of despair, private detective Chuck Oliver thinks he’s taking another safe and easy missing-person case, but he soon finds himself swept into the otherworldly schemes of the Seven Sins, the emotional manipulation of his own client, and the temptations of a young fallen angel who clues him in to the secret for cheating Death Herself.
Drawing on sources as disparate as film noir, quantum physics, Medieval theology, and Gilligan’s Island, Pin pulls the reader through a two-fisted, hardboiled investigation into the family intrigues of the semi-divine, a mystery that dredges up the conflict of individual and archetype, the role of literature in defining the soul, the decadence of social progress, and the basic metaphysical nature of reality.
“Engaging, slightly shocking and yes it is quite literary … but the sex scenes are actually really HOT!“
“Not just hard-boiled mystery read–it’s an entertaining and challenging masterpiece of prose that gives Escher-like glimpses into the meaning of meaning itself.“